On Tue, 2007-08-14 at 11:54 -0500, Jon Elson wrote:
... snip
> I also have a surface-mount pick and place machine running, and 
> a thermocouple-controlled toaster oven for solder reflow. So, if 
> someone has some little board they need assembled, like the 
> pendant mentioned above, I could do that.
> I also have a high-end PCB design package (Protel 99) which I 
> can use to design boards with high density components, multiple 
> layers, etc. if needed.
> If any of this is of use to the EMC community, I'd be glad to 
> make it available, as it is usually under-used.
> If somebody is working on a pendant project, I'd be real 
> interested, too, as I've wanted to do one for some time.
> Jon

I have been meaning to ask you about who fabricates your pcb's. I need
to have a few RS-422 transmitter and receiver boards made. I would think
these would be a good "open project". 

A wiki could be set up with the design, g-code, assembly procedure, etc.
Anyone wishing to order a product could place an order on the wiki
(opps, I think I mention eBay before) and then will be asked to make a
donation when they receive their order. People wishing to contribute a
resource, could go to the wiki and check the procedure list to see what
procedures for what orders need to be done and who to coordinate with.
If the the order doesn't get completed, no big deal. If it does, EMC
wins. I would hope the frame work for the system could be fully
automated so that users could drop in or out as they please. I have seen
so many good ideas take off and then die because one or two people end
up doing all the work and then burn out.

Kirk Wallace

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