On Monday 20 August 2007, Dave Engvall wrote:
>Hi Gene,
>Paraffin  oil aka lamp oil is pretty close to EDM dielectric.

How about fuel oil, as in what you'd feed one of those horizontal tank 
heaters?  It seems as usable as anything else & I've got 5 gallons of it 
getting old, cuz I fired it up in the shop one night several years ago and 
everything in the shop turned bright red with rust in about 15 minutes.  I 
had no idea they put out that much steam/water vapor...  Obviously never lit 
it again.

>70 -90 V for your DC supply and something on the order of 10 uf
>with a resistor in the 20-50 ohm range should get you an RC circuit
>that will be close. A bit if component substitution will get you to
>an acceptable combination.

With 25 volts, & 10 uf, lets just say that progress has to be measured with a 
micrometer, daily.  I managed about 0.110" deep today.

>The electrode really doesn't have to 
>rotate, just pick one a bit larger
>than the core of your tap; erode out the center and tip the outside
>pieces in. It works like a charm.
>The higher voltage will make the gap adjustment much less critical.

I'm looking for a suitable transformer right now.  How about a pair of these 
at herbach?


With the secondaries in series aiding, that ought to be enough, using one 50 
ohm 200 watt limiter R.

Also, tonight I found that if the electrode spins at approx 1k rpms, it seems 
to stir the oil a lot better & it doesn't descend to a short circuit nearly 
so easily.  I could got 30 to 40 thou on an "oil change", with about half a 
cc trapped in the modeling clay dam, which the oil dissolved eventually.

Muchly, thanks.


Cheers, Gene
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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        Penn's aunts made great apple pies at low prices.  No one else in
town could compete with the pie rates of Penn's aunts.

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