jon o wrote:
> I'm trying to get emc setup to run the puma robot that I'm currently 
> building.  I have installed EMC with Ubuntu from the live cd. I 
> downloaded the puma config files, and located them according to the 
> instructions. When I load emc with the puma configuration it fails with 
> a message that says:
>     HAL:4: ERROR: Can't find module 'pumakins' in 
> /usr/realtine-2.6.15-magma/modules/emc2
> I'm a little confused, I can find the pumakins.c file and pumakins.h 
> files in the cvs, but putting them in that directory dosn't help. I'm 
> assuming that I need to compile these two to get a pumakins module. I'm 
> not sure how to do  that. Any help would be greatly apreciated.

Jeff already replied to this, but I'm going to explicitly spell out 
something that he only implied in passing.

Pumakins is NOT part of the currently released EMC (version 2.1.7).  It
is relatively new, and is in the CVS (development) version only.  It 
will be part of EMC version 2.2.0 when that is released (probably 
sometime this fall).  If you want to use it now you need to get the 
development version from CVS.

As Jeff already said, you do NOT want to mix and match code from two 
different versions, that way lies madness.

Jeff already posted a link to instructions for getting and compiling the 
CVS version.  Leave your installed version alone, and compile the CVS 
version using "run-in-place".


John Kasunich

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