If I added pulses can it be done? My encoder is just a homebuilt opto
switch. Cutting out a new wheel with more slots/holes would be trivial.
Can EMC thread with just one train of pulses? Ie use just one pin of
the parallel port?

--- John Kasunich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Curtis W. Moore wrote:
> > I have been using Turbocnc as a control on my lathe. Turbocnc need
> just
> > one pulse per rev to to lathe threading. Is there a way to do this
> with EMC2?
> > 
> > 
> Not a the moment.
> Many folks (me among them) believe that you really need quite a few 
> counts per revolution to make good threads.  If you only have one
> pulse 
> per rev, you are counting on the spindle to hold exactly the same
> speed 
> over each revolution, without varying even a tiny bit under cutting
> load.
> That said, lots of people get "acceptable" results using one count
> per 
> revolution with other software.  It is technically feasible to write
> a 
> HAL component that takes a once-per-rev index pulse and generates 
> spindle position feedback that looks like a higher resolution
> encoder. 
> This will work ONLY if the spindle holds a constant speed over many 
> revolutions.  If somebody writes that component, EMC could use it to
> do 
> once-per-rev threading, with the understanding that the thread
> quality 
> is only going to be as good as the spindle speed stability.
> Regards,
> John Kasunich
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