Based on the latency results (187525) you are not going to be able to run
EMC on that machine.

I had the same problem.  The problem is most likely caused by running an
integrated video interface which
is sharing system RAM.  You need to install a video card.  Literally any
video card should work.  Then re-run the
latency test and you should see a huge reduction in the numbers.  Then EMC
will work.

That is where your problem is.  The documentation for EMC states what
latency numbers will work.

I had the same problem, installed an old video card in my machine, the
latency numbers dropped to very low numbers
and things run fine.  Give that a try.

Jim Combs

             [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             
             Sent by:                                                   To 
             @lists.sourceforg                                          cc 
                                       [Emc-users] EMC2 newbie woes        
             03/18/2008 08:14                                              
             Please respond to                                             
             "Enhanced Machine                                             
             Controller (EMC)"                                             
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                             

I picked up a Sherline mini mill in late '06, and their mini lathe in
early '07, and then essentially never used them. I worked too much, and
couldn't run them in my apartment building by the time I'd get home. Now
I'm in a house, and have been trying to get it all set up again, but I
have to say that unfortunately I've had nothing but troubles for about a
month now trying to get EMC2 and my mill set up properly. I need to say
that I do appreciate the efforts of the group, and am committed to getting
this to work, and I love free/open software, but alas, I'm still trying to
get even the simple things working correctly after many weeks.

The #1 issue right now, as I'm afraid it could be responsible for the
inaccuracies I'm seeing in what I'm trying to make, is the error message I
get almost every time I fire up the program:

RTAPI: unexpected realtime delay on task 1

There are 5 pages available through Google on the matter, and they don't
answer the question, beyond hinting I should change my base period. I read
whatever I could find awhile back about setting up the latency, but
couldn't really make heads nor tails of it. The information in a few docs
I found online didn't match up with anything I was seeing on the screen,
and I don't have intimate knowledge of these things, so was unable to
guess at anything.

Tonight, I ran the latency-test again, and having again been handed many
numbers that don't mean anything to me (and aren't explained anywhere I've
been able to find), I decided to just use the "Base Thread (25.0 µs)" "Max
Jitter (NS)" in my inch.ini file for BASE_PERIOD - a total guess, but it
seemed right. The error stopped occurring, for a few more launches, but
then returned. I understand absolutely nothing about any of this, so I
have no next step.

The default BASE_PERIOD in the file was IIRC 50000. I've tried down to
10000 (makes it super slow to load up), and up to the very high number I
got from my latency tests - 187525 - and even 200000. The error always
comes back. Am I going to have to build the software from source (for some
reason, as indicated in some of my Google finds?).

I'll save my other curiosities for future emails, as I don't want this
important bit to get lost in a flood of other questions :)

Thanks very much!

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