Hey Gary,

Glad I could help. I found that the information I needed to learn Python was so 
scattered out that it took some time to bring it together. New Mexico Tech has 
the best tutorial you can download that I found on Tkinter...


On 25 Mar 2008 at 19:03, Gary Fixler wrote:

>     On this page you can find the thing you seek.
>     http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?Simple_EMC_G-Code_Gene
>     rators
> Wow! I've been learning Python lately for my job, which will entail
> creating UIs, and such, and I'd been planning to build some things
> like this. I have a notion about how to tie all of this kind of stuff
> together into a fairly powerful toolset, but it will take me some time
> to get proficient enough at all of this, and I recognize that my crazy
> notions may be just that: crazy :)
> Still, not only are these tools very helpful, but reading through
> their source will be very informative, both in using Tkinter for UIs,
> and in having my UIs communicate a bit with EMC.
> Thanks, John! This is great stuff.
> -g

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