>Wow - I guess I should be proud of myself that I had a physical estop button
>and a machine kill switch designed in while things were still on the bench!

You can have all the e-stops you want but if you happen to pick the one that 

>I'm still spoiled by the keyboard - I hit escape (and usually tap it
>multiple times as I'm used to being deep in autocad levels of commands that
>I wanted to end) Greg

There in lies the problem you assume other people have the same experience, 
knowledge and skills as you. You miss the point entirely... If the E-Stop 
button is on 
the screen and I'm trying to press it with the mouse and it won't do anything I 
lost precious seconds of time getting that experience. It doesn't matter if I 
have 27 
e-stop buttons all over the place if I have the mouse in my hand my instinct is 
to use 
it first in an emergency just because it is the the closest thing to my finger. 
IMHO it 
is a mistake to have an e-stop where ever it is that only functions some of the 

I think that tension sensors should be mandatory in the rear of machinest pants 
directly coupled to the "always active" e-stop circuit. When the clench comes 
machine stops...


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