Hi all,

I have just uploaded the Linux version of 0.0.24 to www.sheetcam.com.
This release now comes as a Debian package (.deb). This covers all of
the Debian derivatives such as Ubuntu, Knoppix etc. If you can't use
.debs then let me know and I'll see what I can sort out. I do intend to
support RPMs in the near future. In many distros, simply clicking on the
package in your browser will install it.

The Linux version comes as two packages, the libraries and the
application files. The libraries (sheetcamlibs-2.8.7.deb) need to be
installed first. Once they are installed you should not have to install
them again for quite a while. The application, SheetCamTNG-0.0.24.deb
will change with every release.

If you already have the Autopackage version installed, here is how to
uninstall it:
Open a terminal. In Ubunto it is in Applications->Accessories->Terminal.
Enter the following:
package remove SheetCamTNG
package remove wxlualibs
package remove wxgtk

If you want to remove Autopackage itself then enter:
package remove autopackage
package remove autopackage
The first time removes the graphical front end, the second time removes
Autopackage itself.


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