On Wednesday 05 November 2008, Jon Elson wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>> And that should be tested in court, soonest.  I may not be a registered
>> "PE" engineer, and I don't know where to hit the boiler with a hammer to
>> make it work again as in that joke, but I am very well respected as an
>> engineer in my field, broadcasting.  I have a grandfathered to general,
>> formerly a FCC 1st phone license, and I am a C.E.T., registered in
>> Nebraska as #118.  If I should become the Chief Engineer at some tv
>> station in MO, I will not stand idly by and be prosecuted for claiming to
>> be what I have been doing for a living since 1964.
>You have a FEDERAL license to practice your art!  The states CANNOT
>touch you, period!
>And, your license even STATES you ARE an "engineer", so you can hang you
>shingle as proudly as an doctor, DDS, etc.

Strangely, the commish doesn't call us engineers any more, but operators, with 
the chief being required to have a letter of appointment from the Owner or GM 
appointing him the "Chief Operator".  This is how the commish establishes the 
chain of command when cites are issued.  We are the person responsible for 
technical compliance, and I have used that fact to tell the GM he can't do 
such and such even if he does sign my paycheck.  Its taken a copy of 47CFR 
tossed on his desk a couple of times, but that's to be expected when dealing 
with sales types I guess. :(

That C.E.T. certificate and wallet card says that I do know what I'm talking 
about with a lot more validity than the fcc's "General Radio-telephone" 
license does AFAIAC, that test is much much more technical than the old 4 
part 1st phone test, it was 2 parts law and 2 parts simple technical.  
Kalifornia for instance requires that the owner of an electronics service 
business also be a C.E.T., and this weeds out 90% of the fast buck folks.  
But I've not noted a general trend in that direction for most states.

That stands for "Certified Electronics Technician", and is part of the 
National Electronics Association for admin purposes.

Cheers, Gene
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