looks as if I should start to read the docs before answering :)

On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 12:56 PM, Stephen Wille Padnos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Patrick Ferrick wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I've just re-arranged some parallel port inputs and outputs, so now I
>>have a pin available for each of the three axes on my minimill.  I can't
>>seem to get ctrl-Home to home anything other than the current axis, even
>>though I have the following line in my config file:
>>(I also tried HOME_SEQUENCE = 0,1,2)
> As Stuart mentioned, HOME_SEQUENCE is a setting you put into each AXIS_n
> section.  The numbers start at 0 and must go sequentially from there
> (you can't skip any numbers).  All axes with HOME_SEQUENCE=0 get homed,
> then all with 1, etc.  (so you could home Z first, then do X and Y at
> the same time, for example)
> The home all function is a part of AXIS, not EMC itself, so you must use
> AXIS as your GUI or it won't work.  Support may have been added to mini
> as well, but I'm not sure.  (I think it's on "the list" if it hasn't
> been done yet).
>>I have a feeling that the answer to my question is "You need to run a
>>more recent version of EMC!", since I'm using 2.0.5.  (Hey, it isn't
> I don't see exactly when it was added, but it looks like you need at
> least 2.1.x for home-all to work.
>>I recently tried to load the latest version on a second Dell machine,
>>identical to the one I've been using for a few years, and had it install
>>and boot up OK but lock up on me when I ran EMC.  I suppose there is a
>>hardware incompatibility but I don't know what it is.   (Maybe there's a
>>version in between 2.0.5 and the current one that I can actually run :-)
> What OS do you have 2.0.5 on?  If you're on Ubuntu 6.06, there are
> upgrade packages available, but you'll have to edit the sources.list for
> apt.  All you really need to do is change the two lines that have "emc2"
> in them so they say "emc2.2" instead, then run synaptic, click reload,
> and you'll see that EMC2 has new packages waiting to be installed.
> Make sure to read through the instructions on updating your
> configurations here: <http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?UPDATING>
> Look through both sets of changes (from 2.0.x to 2.1.x and 2.1.x to
> 2.2.x), and be sure to make backups of your configs :)
>>On a related note, are more recent versions able to home more than one
>>axis simultaneously, or just in sequence?   That would be kind of cool.
> Yes, yes, and yes :)
> - Steve
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