Stuart Stevenson wrote:
> Stephen,
>    I don't want to imply that I think the Z level affected the motion
> - just passing along all the information given to me.
>    The motion is as if the g2 is g1.
Barring a completely flukey software bug, I doubt that is what 
happened.  Was this a heavy cut?
I can easily imagine that taking a light cut first, it follows the 
commanded path.  Then, at greeater depth, the cutting forces overload 
the servos and you get some different path.  Are the following error 
limis set tight on that machine?  If so, then the above theory is 
wrong.  What radius was the G2 move?  Is there any possibility there is 
some oddball character in that particular block of G-code that caused 
EMC to mis-interpret the command?
I think that was reported recently, and it was a non-printing character 
inserted by a word processor.

I can imagine a case where a large radius arc has some short G1 moves 
after it.  If the arc move was ignored for some reason, the next G1 move 
would appear to actually cut straight across the planned G2 start and 
end points.


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