Richard Acosta wrote:
> El 21/12/2008 06:42 p.m., Sebastian Kuzminsky escribió:
>> Richard Acosta wrote:
>>> El 20/12/08 17:39, Sebastian Kuzminsky escribió:
>>>> Without seeing what's happening on your computer, we can not help.
>>>> Do what produces the error, then pastebin the dmesg output and any other 
>>>> relevant logs, then email us the pastebin URL.
>>> cmon...!!
>> You have not posted the information i asked for in the email you quoted. 
>>   The reason I asked you to post what you did and how the computer 
>> responded is that you're reporting a new error now.  Yesterday you said 
>> the error you got was "unknown command".  This is a radically different 
>> kind of problem than what you reported previously, so the old 
>> information you posted is of no use.  Does that make sense?

You can say this 100 times, and all you are going to do is piss off the
people who are trying to support you 100 times!

We want to see the exact text that you are typing on the command line,
and the exact response you get from your computer.  Every single letter,
every single time.  If messages are popping up in dialog boxes, you
should type them word-for-word, but I suspect that the exact same
information is being printed to the command line.

If you are starting EMC from an icon instead of the command line, DON'T
DO THAT!  You say you are an experienced Linux user - then you should
know that programs often send error messages to the terminal you run
them from.  If you run from an icon, you never see those messages.

You have described several completely unrelated problems.  Realtime
delays, 'bad character "x" used', failure of firmware to load, etc.

How can you possibly troubleshoot multiple problems at one time?

> The files i have posted originally on pastebin ended with a "unknown 
> command on line XX", that is what i said.

Where on pastebin?  You started posting things a month ago.  Are you
telling me that every single time you have tried this, with different
version and everything, that the results have been EXACTLY the same to
the last letter?

If not, then post the most recent results on pastebin again!

>> We're trying to help you Richard.  You're trying to run what seems like 
>> a well-tested system; a system that's working well for all the 
>> developers and several users.  We're trying to figure out what's 
>> different about your setup that makes it so it doesnt work for you.  We 
>> can't do this without careful, detailed information from you about 
>> what's happening on your computer.
> Now, i have posted the computer specs, i have posted the config files 
> used, i have now made a new install to upgrade to 2.2.8, and... voilá.. 
> the suppossedly to work config .... does not work.

Have you ever posted the results of attempting to use Ted's sample
config?  When I say results, I mean what is printed in the shell, and
the output of dmesg - every single letter.

Describing things in your own words simply wastes your time and ours.

> I guess there must be some people trying to help, ok, and i'm very 
> grateful to all of you, but, when i read some stuff it seems like a bad 
> taste joke.


> OH.. amazing!!! the SUPPOSSEDLY to work config IS NOT WORKING! (again)

EMC has a number of tools that allow a skilled person to figure out WHAT
is not working.  You don't seem to have tried to actually investigate
the cause of your problem.  I realize that some people have been telling
you to install this version and that version and reinstall and such.
Personally I think that is bad advice - you should INVESTIGATE the cause
of the problem, not just start replacing things at random.  Once you
know the cause, then we can tell you "that is fixed in version XXX", or
"you need to change this in your config" or whatever.

But you haven't done that kind of detailed troubleshooting, or if you
have you haven't told us what you did.



That means the entire contents of all your config files, every single
letter that you typed at the command prompt, and every single click of
the mouse.  Do as much as possible from the command prompt, since it is
far easier to log what you did that way.



That means every single letter of output at the command prompt and in
dmesg, as well as a description of what happened in dialog boxes and
such.  To avoid mixing together the results of multiple runs, type
"dmesg -c" to clear the log before starting EMC.

> and again and again and again everything can be solved with a fresh 
> install, or an upgrade... but... in the kingdom of reallity it does not 
> work like that.

No, it doesn't.  That was bad advice in my opinion, but I think it was
given in desperation after you failed to do any detailed
troubleshooting.  Yes, the drivers for the 7i43 are in a state of flux,
and the latest version is a good thing.  But without knowing the exact
problem, we can't really know if the latest version will fix it or not.

> I have an associate, who's the one putting the money on the table, the 
> iron/steel skeleton part is built, servos are bought,
> encoders are bought, but the board is not working at all and he's 
> calling me several times a week, and if i tell him i send an email, he 
> can call about 8 times on a day to know wich is the answer.
> I also have a work, several works actually, i have to provide support to 
> several enterprises, and i have no time to spent, even less to waste, if 
> i would know from the first time i was going to have all this trouble, i 
> could buy another brand/model and maybe spend some more money or simply 
> say, no way, but... i believed on what i read. Supported.
> Sorry guys, but i'm really really tired of all this.

I understand that you are frustrated.  If time is so critical, why
didn't you take Peter up on his offer to replace the board with a 5i20 a
few weeks ago?

> I never had so much trouble to get something to work using a mailing 
> list help, and, never had so much people not understanding when i say... 
> "is the same issue" over and over...

Because when you say "it is the same issue" over and over, you aren't
giving us any real information.  When you give us no information, we can
give you no answers.

Besides, it is clearly NOT the same issue over and over.  Firmware
failing to load, "bad character "x" used", and "Unespected realtime
delay" are three different problems.  So when you insist that it is the
"same problem", you are simply wrong.


John Kasunich

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