
sorry but ...

Kent A. Reed wrote:
> Gentle persons:
> There was a flurry of messages earlier that touched on running ethernet 
> to barns and such using either cat-5 cable or wi-fi. Sorry I was in no 
> position to respond at the time.
> I was surprised no one mentioned powerline ethernet technology (or was I 
> just not diligent enough in reading the traffic?).


> I see two possible shortcomings in the powerline ethernet approach
> (1) the run to the remote site may be too long for the technology to 
> perform at an acceptable speed. Use your favorite search engine to find 
> the current vendors and dig through their sites for performance info.
> (2) this solution may turn out to be more expensive because these 
> adapters aren't commodity products and there's not enough competition. 
> Still, it's always possible you can find them on eBay, Craig's list, or 
> even in your neighbor's junkbox (when I upgraded, I gave my first 
> adapters to an enterprising teen-aged experimenter I know who's long on 
> ideas and short on funds).
> I think anyone faced with expanding their ethernet empire should 
> estimate total costs and benefits of the all available approaches before 
> forging ahead.

3. Broadband Over Power Line (BPL) should be banned:
We have enough interference from bad transformers and other components
in appliances already. No need to say more.

> Regards,
> Kent


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