I have a friend who is 'netting' his farm.  He is putting in about 3000' 
of fiber.  This keeps away nasty ground loop problems.  He has also set 
up proper router protocols between his terrestial wireless provider 
(about 5 miles away, line of site) and a Satellite internet provider, so 
'internal' to his farm, he does wired, and wireless, through his own 
routers that take care of ensuring 'best signal'  and doing failover if 
an ISP becomes unavailable.  (I think he is running BGP protocol to his 
ISPs routers from his Cisco router to deal with the network failover. 
... yes, he is a hard core computer geek.)

Where I live (in a deep ravine) there is no 'net service.  No wired 
other than dialup an no wireless or cell service here.
There is an office/barn up higher where we can get Sprint Wireless, so 
we are using an 'aircard' there
with a windows desktop that does internet connection sharing, that goes 
through 2 wireless routers and 2 wifi 'game adapters' (one USRobotics, 
one Belkin) before the signal gets to my desktop in my house.  We live 
about 2000' from whre the 'Aircard' computer is located and running wire 
is problematic through the the rocky ground, over a road and through a 
parking lot (we live on a Girl Scout Camp).

So can it be done wireless?  Sure.  Not a real issue.  A nuisance to set 
up the first time but it seems pretty reliable (after having a satellite 
IP provider.  --  they provided faster service, but the propagation 
delay put the effective speed at roughly that of a 28.8K modem. Through 
the Sprint Wireless we get about 128KBPS, or half what a low end DSL 
would give.)

Internally 'within our network', we have 802.11G routers and network 
cards and see no problem doing backups, streaming video, or anything 
else we want.  Our network connection to the outside is the slowest 
thing around here. 

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