
Eric H. Johnson wrote:
> Rafael,
> As the author of that particular interface, my main objectives were:
> 1> As simple a network interface as possible.
> 2> An interface that does not change with each version of EMC.
> I don't see how it could be much simpler than this. All one has to do to
> work out an interface is to put "loadusr emcrsh" in a hal file, issue
> "telnet <address> <port> from the client machine, and then issue the command
> "help". Since the protocol is plain text, one just need to type in the
> commands in a telnet session, then reproduce those commands in whatever
> automated process they choose to use (program, script, macro, etc.)
> The client does not need to know what version of EMC it is talking to, and
> in fact a smart interface could potentially talk to multiple EMC based
> machines simultaneously which themselves may be running different versions
> and configurations.
> There are means of locking this down from a security stand point, like
> running over ssh, but doing it this way puts that burden on the advanced
> users rather than encumbering the novices with having to learn all these
> things up front just to get a simple interface running.

I believe that what you are working on is great. My response is not a
critique of your work. It's simply a comment saying that it would be
better to use a safer transport mechanism for the same thing you are
doing with telnet.

I don't think that it would be more difficult for the end user to use
than the one you implemented already if telnet was replaced with
encrypted version. Thinking of it, there used to be a "secure telnet"
available some time back but haven't seen anything about it for years.
Everybody uses ssh these days.

There is another utility which is better than telnet IMO. Netcat There is a version available for Windows I
believe, if that's what you need.

What's especially great about netcat is that it allows you to watch or
interact with it's live socket connections. Excellent for
troubleshooting or development. See usage examples for telnet like
session etc. at
Of course, you still need to use ssh to secure the session.

Reminds me of a simple netcat use to knockout some obnoxious spammer
during NT days :-)

It's safer to use more secure methods for communicating between the
systems on the network from the beginning rather than trying to fix it
later. You newer know when next newbie will put your code on the system
and then bad things might happen. Just my experience. CNC machines are
production grade after all and one would not want to end up with broken

> Regards,
> Eric


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