Chris, thanks or your time on writing, but you shouldn't take so much 
time to explain that people is not perfect, and programas can barely be 
bug free.
I repeat (again) my problem is not so much with EMC people for making 
the effort, but with some of those who only can fill their 
mouth(fingers) with charges and claim "you didn't...." "you do...." but 
they can barely read and understand a request at least to acknowledge 
what they claim has already been explained on the request.

I really don't want to keep this going and going, but recently a very 
dumb person wrote to me with just the intention to insult.
That person has been one of those who didn't read but think he can 
accuse for something he is not capable of. (reason)
That person represents exactly what i've been complaining of.

Thanks for your time again Chris and best regards.

El 08/07/2009 04:55 a.m., Chris Morley escribió:
>> Date: Wed, 8 Jul 2009 00:30:22 -0300
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Emc-users] OpenGL on EMC2? + 7i43
>> I have bough a board, directed by EMC people.
>> I am not dissapointed with MEsa, i'm dissapointed with the people who 
>> advised me.
>> In my country, when */you/* direct someone to buy/do something that 
>> gives /*you*/ _.OR._ another an unjustified profit while the 
>> buyer/customer/doer gets a dissadvantage /*YOU*/ are responsible. That's 
>> called fraud and /*you*/ go to jail.
> Richard
> First this is all my personal opinion not the EMC group's.
> Is an apology you are looking for?
> I am a member of EMC's development.  I, personally am sorry
> that your experience with EMC was less then what you hoped.
> I can assure you no one was trying to pull a fast one on you.
> Certainly no one was trying to fraud you.
> The hostmot2 software was and is very new. When the person who
> writes the software tests it it is fairly easy to miss bugs because the 
> person tends to use it as he intended. The more it is used by other people
> (especially non programmers) the more these are flushed out. As Developers
> we support this by fixing them as best and fast as we can. Now programmers 
> (as a rule) are just terrible about documentation. Docs are boring - new 
> features
> are fun. 
> Actually the docs are way way better now then even a year ago, as far as 
> being 
> up to date, correct and usable. But they are just like the software / 
> programmers. 
> When you write them they make sense to you but you knew what you meant!
> On top of that, in a rapidly developing project it's pretty easy to have the 
> docs 
> (usually just slightly) out of date. 
> We are not perfect - we just try to do our best.
> On our side, yes maybe we need to evaluate how we release or advertise the
> state of our software. In fact we have already discussed it in general, to 
> avoid
> problems.
> The real problem comes that we think it is right/ bug free because we have 
> tested / used it . But the software is complicated and flexible- we need more 
> people to test / use it. We don't pay people to test. I'm pretty sure profit 
> companies do. So we release it. If and when problems come up we fix them.
> In most cases the problems that come up are obscure / minor anyways.
> Usually this works very well-sometimes not so well.
> I understand it can be very frustrating, it is frustrating for us too- we 
> want people
> to have success and fun with EMC!
> But no one likes to be 'beat-up' over these problems, especially if we are 
> not paid
> to put up with it. We do this because we like the challenge, or like to give 
> back,
> or like to tinker.....
> So Richard again I am sorry things worked out so badly for you.
> If you still want help with using the mesa board and EMC we can
> help but you have to stop the negativity now. Your point is across now
> To everyone else: We got our point across too - lets move on to some
> positive energy. If things need changing to help a new person out then
> lets hear it or volunteer to help do it. If there is problems or 
> disappointments
> lets get to the point, keep the negativity to the minimum,  And lets fix it!
> I think what this situation is really saying is that EMC is getting heard 
> about-
> now it's not just the gurus and power tinkers that want to use it, regular 
> people who don't want to invest the time to learn why something works 
> they just want to use it. As far as I'm concerned I say welcome- we'll try to 
> help.
> Chris Morley
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