On Thu, 1 Oct 2009 15:53:02 -0500, you wrote:

> exactly 1 full turn requires using g91
> more than one full turn requires using g91

Argghhh... Noooo <G>

One flavour of Fanuc only (15b)! Why follow a bad design?

Fanuc, as is their habit, changed it. Sensibly later Fanuc controllers
treat rotary axis just like any other. The telling statement is the last
paragraph - NB -

" One occurrence that is interesting - when the rotation in the same
direction reaches 360.0 (a full circle), it continues to increase. It
does not become zero degrees again." 

Also there is none of that G91 nonsense with more than one full turn.

Here's what Peter Smid says in CNC programming handbook, 
and the following applies to ALL rotary axis, just that B is used in
this example. (apologies if this doesn't format correctly it was OCR'd
from a PDF)

"Just like any other axis, the B axis can be programmed in
the absolute mode or incremental mode, with the same behaviour
as the linear axes

B Axis direction and general descriptions

The B axis is programmed logically the same way as the
linear axes, including the mode of dimensioning. Either the
absolute or the incremental mode can be used for indexing,
using standard G90 and G91 commands respectively.

The following example is in the absolute mode, showing
two table columns. The first column is the programmed indexing
motion in G90 mode, the second column shows the
actual resulting indexing motion (Distance-To-Go) and its
direction. All rotational directions are based on the perpendicular
view to the XZ plane.

~ Absolute Mode - consecutive indexes:

Programmed motion in G90        Actual indexing motion
G90 G28 B0                      Machine Bzero position
G00 B90.0                       CW 90 degrees
B180.0                          CW 90 degrees
B90.0                           CCW -90 degrees
B270.0                          CW 180 degrees
B247.356                        CCW -22.644 degrees
B0                              CCW -247.356 degrees
B-37.0                          CCW -37 degrees
B42.0                           CW 79 degrees
B42.0                            No motion (0 degrees)
B-63.871                        CCW -105.871 degrees

The next table is similar. The first column is the programmed
indexing motion in G91 mode, the second column
shows the motion directions and the actual resulting
absolute position. All rotational directions are based on the
perpendicular view to the XZ plane.

Programmed motion in G91        Actual absolute position
G90 G28                         B0 Machine Bzero position
G91 G28                         B0 Machine zero - no motion
G00 B90.0                       CW 90.000
B180.0                          CW 270.000
B90.0                           CW 360.000
B270.0                           CW 630.000
B0                              No motion
B125.31                          CW 755.310
B-180.0                          CCW 575310
B-7531                           CCW 500.000
B-75.31                          CCW 424.690
B-424.69                        CCW 0.000

Study both tables block by block, in the listing order. The
results are always Important for understanding. Note the
B-37.0 in the first table - exactly the same result could be
achieved if the block read B323.0 as a positive value.
In the second table, the first block is in the absolute mode
to guarantee a start at B0. One occurrence that is interesting
- when the rotation in the same direction reaches 360.0 (a
full circle), it continues to increase. It does not become zero degrees
again. That is something to watch. If indexing (in the incremental mode)
takes place twice around, the absolute table position will be 720.000°,
Indexing twice will also be necessary in the opposite way in order to
reach absolute zero."

Steve Blackmore

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