My machine which is located in a "conditioned by God" shop goes 
through terrible cycles of temperature and humidity.  I found by 
stressing hard drives this way, I was loosing about 1 year!  I 
changed to the CF card (solid state drive if you will) and found the 
machine to be much more reliable and somewhat faster than the drives 
I was using.


1:17 AM 11/22/2009, you wrote:
>Is there any advantage to using a CF or thumb drive as opposed to a 2.5
>or 1" hard disk? Physical size should not be a big issue since most
>machines and equipment boxes usually are fairly large. The difference in
>power consumption and price between a flash drive and a small hard disk
>compared to other power and money sinks is negligible. A hard drive is a
>little more convenient to set up.
>I just have an Inquiring mind. I'm thinking if you guys are going
>through the trouble, there must be a reason for it?
>Kirk Wallace
>California, USA

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