You can start out with the cheapest table you can find because you can
take the motor and probably the mount to another level later when you
mill the el cheapo into the ground. Backlash is not a problem as long
as you have control over your toolpath. I build a 4th out of 2 inch
thick al using a 1.5 ready made rod form McMasters and timkin
bearings. I used a belt to drive it. I chose the rod because it had
the right thread for the chuck I used. The chuck at the front and the
pulley on the back together with a tiny stamped out shim stock disk
provide the pressure to keep the assembly in the timkin bearings. Rock
solid, no backlash, and good to swing an ox over the BBQ pit if need
be 8))).
Here's a picture. I bolted the drive right onto the 4th as the amount
of AL is perfect for a heat sink haha. All self contained now. The
tail stock has a MT3... just for size info. It's HUGE.,11044.0.html

Fudged turn table, fudged indexer, self build, all will work. Just do
not expect to get great turn ratios with the machine shop based turn
tables. My Self build one with the belt and stepper can run at least
400 rpm. Nice for many very shallow passes. I stabilized burl and am
'turning' that with the spindle and high 4th rpm's rather quickly. No
way to do that by hand.

best of luck!

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