On Sun, 28 Feb 2010 16:23:48 -0500, you wrote:

>I have 2 myself, abide by the rules and my machine can move 25 ipm with a 
>27.5 volt supply.
>They are I believe the same allegro chip used on the xylotex boards, but 
>xylotex puts heat sinks on them and recommends plenty of air flow for full 
>output.  And they Just Work(TM).

Yea - just being the operative word :)

The Allegro chip looks good at a glance, it's quick with 1us pulse times
but exceed around 32V at your peril. They have a nasty (and regular)
habit of going pop. With the right steppers you can get reasonably good
performance, but they need to be low impedance to get the best at such
low voltages. 

Steve Blackmore

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