> I would like to do it without any additional cost and in EMC
> so that i can use my current CAM application, so that is why i was
> asking, if someone has managed to implement preprocessor for EMC that
> does tangential control.

I fully understand. Apart from the monetary cost of buying another 
package you then need to spend time and effort learning how to use it.

> No, that point will move, if the head rotates around C and the head is
> tilted around B axis.
> I believe that some additional work with kinematics module will solve
> this issue and EMC will calculate all the necessary compensating moves

Theoretically you should be able to do it all with kinematics but it 
could be tricky to implement. You would have two options:
1) As you suggested, set B to the kerf angle then rotate C to be 
tangential to the cut path
2) Have A as tilt left/right and B as tilt front/back then use 
kinematics to operate both axes as you cut. The kinematics would have to 
offset X and Y as it tilts A and B. This would be a variation on the 
standard 5 axis kinematics.

> My apologies, i do not completely understand, what did You mean by
> this question :)

If you are using scheme 1 above you need a joint on the nozzle that can 
handle rotation as the C axis rotates. A rotary joint then can handle 
waterjet pressures is likely to be very expensive. I suppose you could 
mount the nozzle assembly in a bearing so the nozzle itself does not rotate.


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