Mark Wendt wrote:
>> Yes, they both cause the horrific suffering and deaths of many
>> innocent lives!!!
> Sure, just like the godless communists and fascists in WW2 and afterwards?
Is that any justification for continuing blood 'sports'? I too am 
'godless' ( though not communist or, indeed, of any particular political 
persuasion ) but I would not willingly harm any lifeform - I would have 
thought that those who claim to believe in a god and theological 
doctrine would have even more conscience about inflicting harm 

Detailed research, particularly over the last couple of years in German 
universities, has demonstrated beyond doubt that fish feel pain just as 
we would. Experiments were conducted where, in one case, the brains of 
fish and humans were monitored while a pinprick was administered to the 
cheek and in both cases the pain centres of both subjects registered 
virtually identical responses. Just because fish don't have the ability 
to grimace or scream ( or we are not equipped to pick up such signals ) 
doesn't mean that they can't experience pain.
>> Ian
>> (Who thinks all fishermen should be suspended from telegraph poles by a
>> gaff hook through their cheeks....)
> Don't suppose you hunt either?
No, but if I did, I would hunt hunters.....

I shouldn't have responded to this thread initially but I'm afraid it 
just pulled my wire and made my bells jangle. I apologize moderators - 
I'll now crawl back into my hole and try not to think of the rest of my 
species which is doing its utmost to destroy life on this planet 
..starting with itself...



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