Don Stanley wrote:
> I had wired the X & Z Encoder Index input to the
> Motenc card like all the other Encoders, + to + and - to -.
> My X & Z Index Pulses were negative active, like all
> the single bit DIO into EMC. However EMC is expecting
> a plus active level on the Index Pulses. This allowed Emc
> to see a plus level immediately after the Limit/Home switch
> relsase. Once this was realized, I simply swapping the leads
> + to - and - to + and all is well.
Wow, I remember the original request.  I think, maybe, this is a case of 
a poorly-worded
error message that doesn't really say what the problem is.  It should 
say something like "encoder index true at beginning of search for index".
What was the exact text of the error message?  (I looked back but 
couldn't find your original message.)  If it is as unsuggestive of the real
cause as I seem to recall, maybe we need to improve the message.


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