> The basic question I guess is would EMC be able to provice the same tool
> path quality as the (lower end) Siemens or Heidenhain controllers?

You should run EMC in simulator mode, and use halscope or halstreamer
to record all the joint positions to disk. Then you can analyze this
data later for correctness/smoothness.

It is fairly easy to "choke" the EMC interpreter/traj-planner with
G-code which consists of many many short G01-segments. It could be
argued that these should be filtered to longer lines, arcs, biarcs or
NURBS G-code, but if you have a CAM-program that only outputs these
short G01-segments this could become a problem.
Even with a hobby mill this is an issue. We have 5m/min rapids on our
machine and when programming a contouring operation at say for example
2m/min feedrate, if the CAM-program outputs lots and lots of short
G01-segments the EMC interpreter/traj-planner will not handle it well
and the actual feedrate may be 1m/min or even lower. You should be
able to test for this in simulator mode (see above).

Improving the trajectory-planner is not an easy task. I think the
consensus reached last time we were discussing this is that it is a
very hard task indeed _unless_ some restrictions are added. For
example restricting traj-planner to only 3-axis trivkins and/or
restricting feed-override to 0-100% (not >100%). Also I think there is
a restriction of one G-code block (or canon-command) per servo thread
cycle. If you run a normal servo-thread at 1ms that means 1000-lines
of G-code per second (in theory). If your CAM-program outputs more
than this you will get the slowed down feedrate I mentioned above.

As mentioned by other posters this is a problem you rarely encounter
with hobby-grade machines because it only occurs with "bad" CAM-code
which consists of the many many small G01 segments and with high-speed
machinery where you want to cut at 5m/min or 10m/min (or more!). When
you have this kind of cash invested in the machine, the tooling, and
are under time-pressure to have to run your machine at 10m/min then
suddenly I think investing another 10k or 20k in a pro controller is
not a problem...  (contrast to sitting down, learning all the innards
of emc2, learning trajectory-planning math/geometry, and attempting to
write a high-speed traj-planner for EMC2)


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