On 9/29/2010 Jon Elson wrote:
> ontent-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> Igor Chudov wrote:
>> >  Things may have somewhat improved.
>> >
>> >  I checked on my unsophisticated home network. Ping time (roundtrip),
>> >  involving three switches (one in my basement office, then the main
>> >  switch at the main interconnect in the utility room, then the switch
>> >  in the family room), and two linux boxes, is 0.21-0.34 milliseconds.
>> >  
> My understanding of ping is that it does NOT report the total round trip
> time through
> all nodes and switches, just the last hop.  I think you need traceroute
> to see the delay
> at each hop.  Still, 300 uS is not such a great time if you need 3
> messages to propagate
> within one millisecond.
> Jon

Are you sure about that? I thought ping worked by sending an ICMP packet 
containing a time stamp and comparing that time stamp with its time of 
receipt of the returned packet. When I look at a test case I just did in 
my local network with ping and traceroute I see the same r/t times. 
Maybe my network just isn't complicated enough?

In any case, ping and traceroute use ICMP packets and I don't believe 
they exercise the full protocol stack.

Last year when I was so confidently saying I meant to try out RTnet with 
RTAI, I intended to be sure I tested the full time through the stacks, 
application to application. I started to sketch out minimal programs, 
one for the sender that, like ping, creates and sends a time-stamped 
packet and analyzes the packet returned, and a second for the client, 
that receives a packet and sends it back. A background program, like the 
EMC latency test, would track the reported times statistically. 
Unfortunately, I didn't have any boards with the requisite ethernet 
chips back then, and my attention wandered as my grandkids got older:-)


PS - thanks for setting me straight on the Windows/NT issue in the EMC 
project. I'd forgotten. I can salvage some of my dignity by noting the 
result adds to my argument that we have to demand functionality.

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