Chris Radek wrote:
> I've thought about this too. I currently have G59.3 system on my mill
> set so the reference/zero length tool (probe length for me, gage line
> for you) is touching the table at Z=0.  That way I can switch to
> G59.3, put a 123 or 246 block anywhere on the table, roll a .5 dowel
> pin between the tool and the block, and touch off the tool to 6.5 (if
> using an upright 246 block).  Then I switch back to G54 or whatever.
> I think this procedure would do what you want too, if you just set the
> coordinate system right.  It would be nice if you did not have to
> remember to switch systems though.  It is easy to mess up.
I can vouch for that, for some reason I still get confused from time to 
time touching off tools and G54. I usually use G55 to touch off tools. 
BTW, the DRO screen in master is very valuable when touching off tools. 
I use the dowel method as well on the CHNC and it works well for those 
tools that can be touched off that way. I have developed the habit of 
loading a new tool and double checking that my Z0 is where I expect it 
to be and I can tell well before the tool crashes (from experience) that 
the path is not correct as the tool flies toward the material in the 
chuck LOL.


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