> The Allegro manual may shed more light on it:
> http://www.allegromicro.com/en/Products/Part_Numbers/3977/3977.pdf 
> I don't have a lot of experience with steppers, my mill was a working
> system from the factory, so it "just works". I have been playing with a
> small stepper and an L298 driver, and had some success but I haven't
> come up with a tuning strategy. Your step/dir driver is more complex. It
> is a micro stepping driver, so the number of sub-steps per normal step
> is selectable. The decay setting seems to allow the drivers to behave
> differently for different sub-steps. I haven't read through the
> datasheet, but it didn't look too terribly obvious.
> This link seems to have some information:
> http://www.piclist.com/techref/io/stepper/hipwrbp-gm.htm 
> Bipolar steppers are driven by h-bridges. The H refers to the normal
> schematic representation of this kind of circuit. The driver is an array
> of four transistors or, more simply, switches. The direction of current
> through a stepper coil is controlled by turning on the top right, top
> left, bottom left and bottom right switches so that the current goes
> forward or in reverse. There are two coils, so there are two h-bridges
> to control one motor.
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H-bridge 
> With the details being pretty complex, it may be best if someone with
> experience chimes in with a rule of thumb on how to select a proper
> decay setting. It may be that the setting will only make a few percent
> difference. From what little I've read, it may affect the noise and
> efficiency at certain step rates, or help slightly with slipping at
> intermediate step rates, but this is a guess. If this is the case, it
> may be that just trying different settings and keeping the ones that
> help may be the way to go.
> What is the voltage of the motor power supply? The datasheet says the
> driver is rated for 37 Volts, so it would be nice to have the supply
> voltage close to that. The power supply should have a large capacitor,
> or a pair of them. They shouldn't bulge a all, If they do, they may be
> on their way out.

Hi Kirk:

Just a note to tell u that I took ur suggestion and ordered ball screws for my 
mill.  That means that I have to make a few more castings and do a lot of 

I downloaded the info from Allegro. That provided a lot of info and I now 
understand what I'm trying to do. Thanks for the info!

While working my way through the redesign, I will use the steppers I have and 
see how much the new screws help.

To answer ur question, the power supply is 32 volts @ 6 amps. The caps. are 
new 1000 uf. @ 50 volts, I used two of them. That is what the manual I got 
with the controller called for. It also talks about heat sinks and a fan to 
cool the chips.  I included the fan at time of the install of the stepper 
board. I will now install the heat sinks also.

I am going to have to use reduction, ( 4 to 1 ), to drive the screws as they 
are 4 tpi. So I will change the micro step back to 1/2 step. That should give 
me more torque.

Will include a photo later.


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