Hi All:

   Just when you thought you'd heard the last of this problem here it is again. 
I installed the latest version of Lucid then aptituded my way to emc2. I 
thought that the lockup of the Foxconn 45csx Atom 330 R's had been fixed. 
Indeed for the entire weekend I tested my machine running emc 2.4.6 with no 
lockups in 40+ hours of runtime. This even included some full up tests with the 
mill in the loop.

   This evening I clamp up a part load up a file, and FREEZE! Glad it happened 
before I was cutting metal. Now it freezes up just as it did months ago after 
about 2 min of running X. Has anyone run into a fix for this problem yet?

   As for now I'll go back to 8.04.

   Is there another Foxconn board that has no issues with Lucid and EMC2.4.6. 
Heck I'll just buy my way out of this problem if I have to.



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