On Fri, 2011-02-25 at 15:46 +0200, fi wrote:
... snip
> Is hal_parport.c the proper file to modify for 16 bit I/O over PATA
> ports ? 
> Are other files to be modified ?
... snip

>From my study of the parallel port drivers, 90% of the code is for
setting up the structs for managing the setup strings, and sharing
multiple ports. When that is out of the way, it comes down to a simple
outb or inb to a few registers. I suspect the PATA interface might be
the same except that 90% of the code will be PATA specific, so the
parport code may not be helpful.

If one is going to go through the effort of a new design, I would vote
for pursuing a PLX based PCI or PCI-X interface like this one:
(from this page:
http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?AVR )

(It seems to me, the old ISA slots would be perfect for real-time

I am guessing here, but the only "active" part of the parallel port
driver is in/outb which lives well with real-time. This may not be the
case with PATA or PCI. Study of the PCI FPGA examples may shed light on

On the other hand, if your time is money, just buying an existing PCI or
PCI-X motion card would be cheaper.
Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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