On 4/3/2011 9:26 AM, Eric H. Johnson wrote:
> Dave,
> While none exist at this point, it would be possible to build an interface
> around the telnet like interfaces of emcrsh
> (http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?Emcrsh) and possibly halrmt
> (http://wiki.linuxcnc.org/cgi-bin/emcinfo.pl?Halrmt). FTP or other means of
> file transfer would be necessary to view and transfer Gcode files and
> possibly read the configuration for configuring the display (number of axes
> enabled, etc.)
> I do not have any Android based devices, but as I understand it, the SDK is
> Eclipse / Java based, and unlike Apple iOS, Python is also supported. Axis,
> Touchy and Gladevcp are all Python based, but I have no idea how difficult
> it would be to modify one of them to use the above interfaces in place of
> directly interfacing with EMC.
> There are also small (7" for example) touch screen VGA monitors which can be
> used by any of the existing user interfaces.
> HTH,
> Eric
> I don't want to run EMC2 on the tablet, but it sure would be nice if
> there was some way to use these tablets as a client connected to a PC
> running EMC2.
> Just comparing apples to apples (sort of) they are now selling 10"
> Android tablets for $200 yet the cheapest  dumb 10" touchscreen at
> MP3car.com is 229.00 and that is a USB connected screen which I am not
> sure would even work with
> Linux.    A real screen with a 16:9 ratio area and a real VGA input
> starts at $249 and goes up from there.
> I suspect that tablets will continue to fall in price but I am not so
> sure about small monitors.
> Are there better places to buy small touch screen monitors?

I figure the easiest path into remote monitoring of EMC2 is to find or 
create a port of VNC to whatever platform you have. The tricky bit is to 
implement touchscreen functions and that usually requires some digging. 
VNC allows one to view and interact with the desktop on another computer 
and works across different operating systems. I know there is ongoing 
work to port it to Android. The only downside I see is that screen 
updates of the Axis graphics may be slow. One could switch the host 
running EMC2 to a different user interface to compensate.

Porting VNC is the path I chose for my BestBuy Insignia 8" Infocast 
(Linux-based, Chumby-developed software inside) which I bought on sale 
for ca $100 last year. I should already be done, given the good work of 
others in the Chumby sphere, but my wife's rollercoaster health 
situation has slowed all my hobby work to a crawl. At least I get to use 
it as an Internet appliance while I dither.

An 8" screen may be too small for you, but if not, I see that Chumby is 
coming out with their own version (ca $200) that may require less work 
to bring up either VNC or an X-server.

The new 10.1" ASUS EEE Transformer is entering the USA marketplace ca 
$400 even as I write. It likely is everything one could want in terms of 
software and performance. Unfortunately, the price is based on its 
product placement as a combo tablet-laptop.

Small touch screen monitors will likely remain costly in small 
quantities because of market economics. The trick continues to be to 
find and hack a consumer product that has a touch screen.


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