On 9/17/2011 6:39 AM, Viesturs Lācis wrote:
> BTW, I have set servo drive to work in velocity mode (there is special
> application for changing settings in servo drives). So I had to set
> the scale, how much RPM should motor do at 10V. Unfortunately I cannot
> find any PID related parameters to tune feedback loop in servo drive.
> I have Kollmorgen Servostar S601. Does anyone have experience with
> these drives to share with me?
> I haven't found in documentation, what does the output_scale parameter
> in INI file for servos do? For steppers it was easy - scale means how
> many steps are in one unit of length. I guess that is the same for
> Input_scale. But what about output scale?
> And also one more question to more knowledgable users about quadrature
> encoder signal: what does EMC consider as 1 pulse from quadrature
> encoder - the nominal resolution or the quadrature sgnals that are 4x
> nominal resolution?

Usually you set the drive velocity scaling to match the max velocity 
that you want to be able to spin the motor up to.

Say you want 1000 ipm as the absolute max velocity for that axis, figure 
out what your motor must spin to do  that (via the gearing) and that is 
your max motor velocity for 10V.

EMC uses all of the edges - at least that is my experience when using 
the Mesa cards and hostmot2.    So it is the pulses per rev for the 
encoder x 4 when using quadrature mode on the encoder inputs.


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