2011/9/17 Peter C. Wallace <p...@mesanet.com>:
>> I have 2 questions:
>> 1) I have managed to get 2 joints oscillate around zero, (which tells
>> me that they need have PID parameters adjusted). There is a problem
>> with a third joint, which just runs away. When I try to change
>> something for that third joint, it affects also some of first two. Why
>> is that so? For example, if I set Output_scale for third joint from 1
>> to -1, second joint will not oscillate around zero, but run away.
> There should be no interaction of the axis
> I would do as I has suggested and verify that all DAC channels work as
> expected before proceeding.
> interaction suggests a grounding/ analog input problem (do the drives have
> differential inputs ( most do) If so the IN+ sould go to 7I48 AOUT and the IN-
> to 7I48 ground

Thanks, I will take a look!

>> 2) How do I solve the situation, when PWM value is +1, but encoder
>> position increases in negative direction? That is for the third joint.
>> As I mentioned, changing output scale to -1 for third joint will make
>> second joint to misbehave. What else can cause that? Should I change A
>> and B wires from encoder signal cable?
> I would first set up the encoders so they count in the correct direction for
> your axis, and then change the output scale to reverse the PID feedback if
> need be.

Ok, and how can I do that - fix the the direction of counting? Will
changing A and B leads do the trick?


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