On 9/17/2011 4:01 PM, Sebastian Kuzminsky wrote:
> On 09/17/2011 11:30 AM, Dave wrote:
>> Do I need to add a repository to the list?    If so does anyone know the
>> URL for the hostmot2 package repository?
> The apt source is:
> deb http://linuxcnc.org/lucid lucid base
> Put that line in a file named /etc/apt/sources.list.d/linuxcnc.list
> Then run "apt-get update" to fetch the package list.
> The packages are named hostmot2-firmware-{all|BOARDNAME}, run "apt-cache
> search hostmot2-firmware" to get a list.

That works!

I just added the source line into the list of "other" repositories in 
the setup menu of the Synaptic manager  (apt-get for wimps).

I was very close in my previous guess, but I left "base" off the end of 
the line.

Apparently "close" does not count.  ;-)

After hitting reload, a search for "hostmot2" popped up all of the 
firmware options.

The firmware downloaded and installed properly.



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