There is some good info in the EMC manual on testing for lost steps. 
Have you checked for backlash?


On 9/29/2011 12:10 AM, Martin Patton wrote:
> Hi EMC users,
> I have EMC running on an old pc, latency number about 25000.   I got an
> occasional real time error with latency number set at 22000.
>   I drew a part in CamBam, generated some g-code and cut a part.  The part
> looked right but the caliper says every dimension cut a little small.  A
> circle pocket drawn 1.50 diameter cut about 1.42 in diameter,  The tool
> diameter matched the tool specified in the cad program. Is there a good post
> on calibrating for a stepper motor machine?
> Thanks,
> Marty
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