On Sunday, October 02, 2011 12:37:01 PM Kirk Wallace did opine:

> On Sat, 2011-10-01 at 12:14 +0100, andy pugh wrote:
> ... snip
> > I have an idea for a way to use a second opto to discharge the cap
> > through the same resistor during the low portion of the PWM, which
> > should be linear at all frequencies, but have never bothered trying
> > it.
> After having more experience with getting my PWM to VFD input working,
> it comes to my mind that what is behind the VFD input is an ADC, which I
> think takes a snap shot (sample/hold) at a frequency. I seem to recall
> one VFD manual stating the sample frequency at something around 500 Hz,
> and others in the tens of kilohertz. This seems to indicate that the
> input will sample whatever voltage happens to be on the input at a
> given, but regular, instant in time. With raw PWM this is typically
> either 0 or 10 Volts. With filtered PWM, the voltage could be anywhere
> along the charge/discharge ramps. It seems with a push/pull on the
> input, it may actually make things worse by making the input more like
> raw PWM. If my thinking is correct, ideally each PWM cycle would be used
> as a data point to drive a stable voltage output for that particular
> cycle. Even then, it might be better to block a sample that happens
> right on a cycle change or filter only close to that point to smooth the
> change.
> Or, I could be completely wrong.

Even if it is an ADC that works on S&H, the bi-directional opto pair 
driving a series resistor charging a capacitor to integrate the pwm can 
easily reduce the 'ripple' to nearly zip if the pwm is driven at a 
frequency well above the S&H frequency.  That would be key to smooth 
control, and quick enough that motor rotor inertia would be a bigger factor 
in real time control than the TC of the RC filter.

Cheers, Gene
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