On Saturday, October 15, 2011 01:43:50 PM sa...@empirescreen.com did opine:

> Here is our ground wiring..  (lower left hand corner of box. - yes it is
> messy)
> http://electronicsam.com/images/KandT/conversion/groundwiring.jpg
> sam

I've done worse myself that worked ok.

The long bus bar does bother me a wee bit, particularly if the are 
relatively high current devices landing a ways up the buss from that shop 
made bar connecting the bus bar to that plate the incoming green marked 
static cable is connected into.

But lets start at the top of it, with all the supply breakers open, and 
disconnect each of the green wires in turn to check the ohms from the 
disconnected wire to the big plate.  I would investigate anything less than 
say 15 ohms because it is getting a ground someplace else besides where it 
is intended.

What is in that woven shield under the left flange?  That also should be 
kept away from box contact except a jumper to the bus to ground it.  So if 
you have a ground jumper from it to the bus bar, disconnect the jumper and 
check it too.  You may have to wiggle it around a bit I insert a layer of 
scotch 88 between it and the box, and some of that nylon hole edge liner 
where it goes through holes in the box, that and make sure it is not being 
used as a ground at the far end of it.  No shielding should be connected 
anyplace but at this bus.

Keep us posted on what you find Sam, please?

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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                -- Sam Brown, "The Washington Post", January 26, 1977

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