Trying to get rid of spikes, see image 8 here:

See the jitter here:

>Probably not the root cause of the problem, but you might try commenting 
>out all the backlash statements in your ini file.
Tried this, no change
>OK, well, this is looking like there is a problem in the servo amps.  
 you need to check the + and - 15 Volts, or whatever the servo amps use 
>as the supply for their op-amps. Capacitors may have
 deteriorated and there is >noise on these supplies..
I checked this it has +15 volts and -15.2 volts, I don't know how to check for 
>Possibly you have grounded a circuit that should not be grounded to the 
>>machine's common ground.  
 problem has been mentioned a lot, I always assumed ground was ground, 
everything in the control is grounded to the chassis. It is pretty much 
as it was originally. I have a crude schematic here, maybe someone can find the 
 thought is that the logic signal that enables the servo amps is not 
being >held at the right voltage, so the servo amps are right on the 
edge of >enabling/disabling. This can cause a transient every time 
the amp enables that >causes it to jump..
How would I check this?
>polarity of the signals is important.  The command input "SIG" is on J1 Pin 
 signal common, for tach, command and anything else is J1 Pin 4.  J1 Pin
 4 >needs to be connected to the ground of the DAC board.
Well I am sure this is right if it is backwards the servos run away
>If the connections are right, then I'd suggest running a big ground wire from 
>the >servo amp chassis to the PPMC.
Did this, no change
>On the power supply that feeds the amps, is its output common grounded 
>to something? And does the motor return line come back directly to the 
>power supply common, without connecting to anything else along the way?
Well there is two power supplies going to the amps so I am
 confused, please see the schematic here
I don't know were the motor return line is
Your help is greatly appreciate
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