On 2 November 2011 16:02, Bruce Klawiter <bmkl...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I have read conflicting information on how to install them.

Let me add more then....

> It appears the best way would be installing them back to back, but I have 
> read the inner rings should be clamped tight and also read the outer rings 
> should be clamped tight when there back to back.

In the case of a matched-pair of bearings then you would want to clamp
both, and then the preload would be correct.

Assuming that the bearings are fitted to a seat on the ballscrew with
a screwed clamp ring, I would clamp the outers together big-side to
big-side with a spacer ring between them, then tighten the clamp ring
until the preload is right. Which, in my case would be based entirely
on guesswork and intuition.
If you want a better basis for "right" and you know what the required
preload is ( the motor torque and the leadscrew pitch might not be the
worst basis) then you can calculate the required clamp-ring torque on
the basis of the thread diameter and a friction guess. You can use the
equations here (http://euler9.tripod.com/fasteners/preload.html ) with
the simplification that you have no collar friction as the inner race
you are tightening against is free to rotate.

The idea that there is no such thing as objective truth is, quite simply, wrong.

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