On 15 November 2011 02:41, Chris Reynolds <c_reynolds2...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> So I've been running my mini-mill with EMC2 now for almost 2 years, and I've 
> gotten to where I'm interested in having the spindle controlled by EMC2,

I am guessing you have a KBIC speed controller. As has been mentioned,
these are controlled by an analogue voltage from a potentiometer.
Unfortunately one end of the pot is tied to motor +V so is at 100
Volts or so relative to ground.
You can find the drive manual online, it tells you how to control
using an analgoue voltage.

Luckily, there is a common component that can help with this, DC to DC
convertors have a few kV isolation between input and output, so the
input 12V can be referenced to a completely different 0V than the
output, which means you can safely connect that side of the circuit to
the potentiometer terminals.


Is the circuit I used to control my Mini-Mill. I had two spindles and
was short of IO, so the circuit there is a lot more complex than you
need, you can skip the relays on the right and the top half, just keep
PS2 (the DC/DC converter) U4, U9, U7, R3, R12, R13, C1, D2A and VR2.
U9 and the surrounding components is a precision current source, and
could probably all be replaced by a resistor. I over-thought that bit.

The idea that there is no such thing as objective truth is, quite simply, wrong.

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