On 12/12/2011 04:12 PM, Dave wrote:
> Perhaps a better solution to prevent silly mistakes would be for the computer 
> to "play dead" - ie bluescreen and throw up some cryptic error message about 
> possible faulty drive sectors, or some CPU undertemp situation ... in the 
> meantime the computer could carry on as usual in the background safe from 
> further human interaction.  ;-)
> Hmm...  Perhaps Microsoft has already mastered this technology and they have 
> kept it a secret for our benefit!  :-)
> Dave

     I've decided over the years that I'll suffer the occasional 
self-inflicted dope slap just to avoid having to jump through three 
levels of warnings for certain things.  If I want to delete a file, I 
want to delete it NOW, dammit...

     I've even un-aliased all my "rm's" in all my .xxxxrc files to get 
rid of the damn "-i" feature Ubuntu and Redhat seems to have stuck in to 
the etc version of that file (or if it's my own desktop I just go to the 
system file and delete or comment out that stupid line).


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