> And now what?
> I ran all these commands:
> cd src
> ./
> ./configure
> make
> make install-menus
> sudo make setuid
> They all completed successfully - I did not see any warning messages.
> But in Applications -> CNC I have 4 items - Getting started guide and
> 3 manuals - Hal, Integrator's and User's manuals, their icons are
> question marks and nothing happens, if I try to open HAL manual,
> remaining 3 docs do appear.
> But I do not see a way to run the LinuxCNC.
> No menu entries...
> Also in terminal from home directory typing linuxcnc and hitting enter
> returns error message that such a command is not found.
> Viesturs


I think I can help with that one.

cd to the directory where you did all your compilations e.g. emc2-dev or 

....$  .  scripts/rip-environment
....$   linuxcnc

First line after prompt is <dot> <space>  scripts etc

John Prentice 

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