2012/3/18 Mark Wendt (Contractor) <mark.we...@nrl.navy.mil>:
> On 3/17/2012 1:08 PM, Viesturs Lācis wrote:
>> 2012/3/17 Mark Wendt (Contractor)<mark.we...@nrl.navy.mil>:
>>> You're missing at least the Boost.Python libraries for C++ (gcc). Dunno
>>> what else you're missing since I don't know what you have on your
>>> machine. ;-)
>> I just want to test one 8i20 servo drive, no real machine to control.
>> Where can I find, which exactly version of gcc and if there are any
>> other packages as well (gcc dependencies, for example)?
>> Viesturs
> Viesturs,
> I'm pretty sure gcc comes as part of the Ubuntu bundle. The
> libboost-python-dev that Michael mentioned may not though, so you'll
> have to go get it. To be sure on the gcc, type "which gcc" and see if it
> returns anything.

It is all right now, Michal suggested a command that solved the problem.
I managed to build LinuxCNC, now I am struggling with getting it to
communicate with 8i20 drive, see my last message in this thread.


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