> No, I was actually working with an OEM who sold a sign software package
> that generated Gcode (very expensive).   The problem was that their
> software generated way too many short segments for no good reason which
> caused problems on the machine controls (it wasn't LinuxCNC or Mach3).  They 
> simply
> refused to alter their code saying that the machine control "should" be
> able to handle as many short segments as they want to throw at it and
> still run at high speeds.

If this is OEM stuff with reasonable quantities involved, the software 
supplier was being very short sighted by refusing to change. Arc 
matching and other optimizations are not that difficult.

> The machine control choked badly (no surprise) and was running 10 or 15%
> of the desired speed.
> In the end, I don't think that anything was ever fixed.   And the
> machines still run slowly.

Perhaps I should show them SheetCam ;-)

> Artists and some of the people associated with artists tend to live in
> different realm, reality, or dimension.   ;-)
> Logic is oftentimes discarded!

Some artistic work can be really nasty. I spent quite a lot of time on 
SheetCam's optimization to try to handle some of the really messy 
decorative work that was being fed into it. The absolute worst is stuff 
that has been through raster->vector conversion. Some of that is just 


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