These printers are very clever and the products entertaining, but I have
issues with how they fit in with the big picture. Plastic, over a the
long run has very limited utility, but never goes away and stays toxic.
What is going to happen to all of these busts of Yoda once the
entertainment value has worn off?

I prefer to work with the materials nature provides, and which we have
become environmentally and biologically used to - metals, wood, rock,
dirt, etcetera. 

>From the website.

      If you ask the wrong question you will get the wrong answer!

Consider this: most people facing the generation of waste ask precisely
the wrong question. The question they ask is this – how can I make use
of this waste product so that it will be used, not wasted? Generations
of people have wasted their time and their society’s time with this
wrong question.

This would be the better question? “How do I change what I (we) are
doing so that we no longer produce any waste products?” Find that answer
and you have really solved a problem worth solving. The best part is
that you won’t have to keep seeking the earlier, wrong answer, over and
over. You won’t have any waste product to find new uses for. Everything
will be used up automatically. We can’t focus so strenuously on past
mistakes that we never get to design a better future. It’s like the
classical difference between giving a man a fish and showing him how to
fish. At least while there are still fish to catch (nowadays worth
thinking about) you can offer a structural, not a temporary solution. 

I feel CNC machining helps people on this list to explore reinventing
the use of nature derived materials, which naturally recycle, to both
create designs that minimize waste and maximize product longevity.

Kirk Wallace
California, USA

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