On Thu, Jul 5, 2012, at 01:08 PM, andy pugh wrote:

> My initial impression is that the software encoder does not handle the
> wrap as well as it might. It probably ought to add delta_counts *
> scale to the position, not recalculate the position from total counts.
> The magic of twos-complement means that calculating deltas on signed
> integers handles the wrap automatically.

I respectfully disagree on this part.  Counts are counts, and
integers can be accumulated indefinitely with no error.  Floating
point math can be imprecise, and accumulating "counts times scale",
where scale is a float, could result in accumulating errors.

Thinking about it a bit more, it definitely will result in
accumulating errors.  Suppose your scale is 30000 counts per
inch.  So the amount you want to add to the accumulator each
count is 0.000033333".  In either scheme there will be some
error, since that number cannot be exactly represented as a
float.  Floats have a resolution of 24 bits (the other 8 are
used  for the exponent).  So the basic error will be 1 part
in 2^24, which isn't bad (for example, 3.6 micro-inches on
a 60" long travel).

If you are accumulating counts as an integer, and then
multiplying by the scale factor, the error will always be
1 part in 2^24, regardless of how far you travel.

But it can be a lot worse if you are accumulating chunks
of 0.000033333" as floats.  Suppose the axis has moved 35
inches.  On the next count, you will be adding 0.00003333"
to 35.0000".  The 0.0000333333" value starts out with 2^24
resolution, but it gets shifted right during the add,
because the exponents have to match before you can
actually perform the addition.  In this case, the shift
is 20 bits, leaving the scale factor with only 4 bits of

Working the example in decimal floating point notation
makes it easy to see.  Floats have about 7 decimal digits
of resolution.  So the scale factor would be represented
in decimal as 3.333333e-5.  The current axis position is
3.500000e+1.  To add them together, the scale factor gets
shifted right 6 digits, so it becomes 0.0000033e+1.  So
on every count, you miss 1% of your actual travel.

The situation gets much worse if you travel further.
Consider what happens when the axis reaches 1000 inches
(in the decimal case).  Axis position is 1.000000e+3,
so the increment of 3.333333e-5 needs to be shifted
8 positions.  The result is 0.000000e+3.  Adding (or
subtracting) that from the accumulator will have no
effect, so the output of the encoder block will never
change - even if you start moving back towards zero.
It will simply be stuck.

By comparison, if you are accumulating integer counts
and then converting to float, you might reach a point
where you don't see a change in the float value on each
count, but the counts _are_ being recorded, and the float
output will continue to increase every couple of counts,
when its resolution permits.  And when you reverse and
start moving back towards the origin, the accumulator
will correctly track the position.

There is another issue, which could be considered good,
bad, or irrelevant, depending on your point of view. 
HAL allows anything (including scale) to be changed at
any time.  Suppose you move an axis for a while, then
change scale, move it some more, then change scale
back to the original value.

The current implementation will have a position jump
when you change scale.  But it will always know where
it is, because it is accumulating counts.  If you
change scale back to the original value, your position
will be correct, even if you moved while the scale was

The proposed implementation avoids the position jump
when scale changes, but if you move after changing
the scale, you lose track of your original position.
The accumulator now contains some motion at the original
scale factor, and some motion at the new scale factor.

Avoiding the jump might be considered good.  Losing your
absolute position is bad.  And the whole issue is probably
irrelevant since few people change scale on the fly.  But
I prefer the current implementation, and would think hard
before changing it.  If there is a concern about rollover,
then change the accumulator to 64 bits.  But it should
still be an integer recording counts, not a float or
double recording scaled length increments.

  John Kasunich

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