Gene Heskett wrote:
> And I can never remember the ancient, arcane, and usually nearly two full 
> lines of text of the command line that makes it work, I believe I have 
> succeeded twice in damned near 14 years of running linux.
HUH?  I use commands like
sftp username@ip_address
then, cd, ls, pwd, and finally get or put filename.  it can't be any 
simpler than that!
Of course, you need an sshd running on the computer you want to connect 
to, but
that is fairly simple, too.
> I studied the man page for nearly 2 hours trying to decode that obtuse SOB 
> of a man page for sftp about 3 weeks ago
I can't understand the problem.  you cd to the directory you want to 
pull or push files
from, then make the ssh connection, cd to the remote directory and get 
or put the files.
If you want to change the local directory, lcd, lpwd and lls do the 
local version of
cd, pwd and ls commands.  It works mostly like the cp command.

There are a buch of more complex options, I avoid them.
> Not your fault at all Jon, but when you have your own private local 
> network,  with the same install from the same cd on all 4 machines
Not a chance, I have Beagle Boards (ARM CPU), Ubuntu (6.06 up to 12.1), 
CentOS and some other systems here, they all work seamlessly with sftp.  
I occasionally
send files to/from Sun machines and other non-X86 architectures and 
non-Linux systems,
again, no problem with sftp.
>  (there's 
> a lappy in this mix too) there is absolutely zero excuse for making it so 
> damned difficult that its easier to get dressed, grab a usb stick and copy 
> what you want to move to it, grab the stick, bring it 100' back down the 
> hill and plug it in here, only to find the first thing you have to do is 
> issue as root, a "chown -R gene:gene /media/keyname/" command because for 
> some reason gene on shop, gene on lathe, and gene on coyote, while I am the 
> default sudo enabled first user #1000 on all 4 boxes, still don't have 
> perms to read the &^% files!  What the heck is the diff, I own that file on 
> all 4 machines!
OK, well, there's one of your problems.  NFS is a "local" files system 
on each node, and
you MUST coordinate file owner IDs across all the systems, or use 
proxies.  sftp avoids
that problem, as each end of the sftp session is logged into its 
machine, and files brought
across get the local owner's permissions.


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