On 10/8/2012 10:29 PM, emc-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net wrote:
>   have a machine that runs latency tests just fine and then gives me a
> real-time error when I start LCNC.  Never really tracked it down because I
> always intended just to move on to a new machine.  It can be frustrating.
> I think the era of machines that fail latency peaked when the P4 was new,
> but I'm not really sure about that.   I suspect that Mach also runs better
> on machines with low latency and the machines that LCNC complains about
> also don't run Mach as well as they might.  It's just that Mach ignores the
> long intervals, mostly because step/dir machines are somewhat immune to
> that issue.
> Eric

These issues are why I am so strongly in favor of the dedicated 
microprocessor for the real time part. It is the norm in all computer 
systems- look inside that PC and Ill bet there are a dozen separate 
processors doing things like graphics, network, disk control, etc. PCs 
are wonderful GUI devices and have great computational ability. They 
were never designed to be real time systems.

Why are some people so hung up on the idea that one box (even a box full 
of micros) must be used as the machine control?

step/dir machines are not immune to timing glitches. My knee mill uses a 
stepper on the knee for Z. I had a frequent glitch that lost position. I 
replaced the stepper with a BIG servo and had the same problem. I 
replaced the parallel port with a smoothstepper and the problem was 
solved- I put the stepper back and have never had a lost Z step.

With low cost motion devices like smoothstepper, pokeys, kflop, 
centipede, etc it seems clear to me that fighting real time latency 
issues on PCs are a waste of effort.

ron ginger

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