> Thanks for the flowers Sven.  As for still here, I had a birthday a few
> days back, and can now truthfully say that I've been 39 and holding, for 39
> years, so the shotgun that runs me off will probably resemble Father Time's
> Scythe.
> That said, the praise we've been giving the Intel D525MW motherboard is
> well deserved.  For about a $260 line on your card statement, a complete
> box in shoebox fashion, that has latency figures in the 3 to 7 microsecond
> range can be on the end of your parport cable.  Both my toy mill and my toy
> lathe could run faster now but would need more amps and volts from the psu
> to do it, the cpu isn't the limit.  Considering the spindle power either
> machine has is 10% of what it needs, its working very well indeed, but is
> harder on carbide chips than they should be because the cut is so thin.
> IOW, don't fight with a box that is unsuitable for the job.  Bin it, and
> get one of these that runs things faster, on 20% or less the power
> consumption of the older box that is eating your lunch with its assorted
> gotchas.  Once configured, these D525MW's Just Work(TM).
> Cheers, Gene

Even better, a D525MW would fit _inside_ my servo controller cabinet...

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