On 10/26/2012 12:19 PM, dave wrote:
> On Fri, 2012-10-26 at 11:36 -0400, Kent A. Reed wrote:
>> <blah blah blah>
>> On the plus side, I expect someday to see someone successfully exploit
>> the GPU to offload some of our CNC calculations from the CPU. The
>> horsepower is there; it's a matter of timing.
>> Regards,
>> Kent
> Hi Kent,
> Offloading to the GPU is a most obvious approach ....in the manner of
> math profs with chalk in the right hand and the eraser in the
> left ..."it is obvious that". <grin>

I always liked the Sydney Harris cartoon. 

> Most of the present day GPU's wouldn't even strain handling motion the
> problem is simply that processors (GPU) are a moving target and
> reinventing the wheel with each new generation of GPU would be a pain to
> the most dedicated programmer.

Agreed, this makes the problem hard, but not unsolvable, I think. In 
general form, the hardware shaders are pretty well understood (after 
all, Microsoft manages to keep DirectX alive). I can think of several 
programming techniques (and I'm not up to date) for separating the what 
from the how so we could port more easily from one GPU to another. I 
have lost touch with a fellow NIST'er (also retired) who was exploring 
this in the context of solving massive sets of coupled differential 
equations that arise in analyses of heat- and mass- transfer in 
practical machines and systems.

Too bad we can't make this a Google "Summer of Code" project.

> Now if one is bright enough (don't look
> at me) to build an engine that does the development the the strain gets
> lowered some.
> Sharing a video chip between motion and display would certainly present
> some interesting problems unless one has two boards and dedicates one to
> motion.

Who said "sharing"? Remember, I'm the guy who likes to run headless 
systems so why not take advantage of the built-in GPU? Besides, a second 
graphics card is small beer these days---always assuming there's a spare 
slot :-(

> Along different lines I keep waiting for someone to write a driver
> between linuxcnc and something like mesa's softdmc.
> Both of these rather break the original philosophy of emc/linuxcnc but
> nothing in technology is really static.

Fortunately, we---the LinuxCNC community---have been lucky finding folks 
willing to try new things.

> Nomex suit is donned. Have at it.

Flames? Nah. Smile, maybe.

> Dave


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