On 11/4/2012 9:59 AM, Sven Wesley wrote:

> I installed the boards and actually it's a bit disappointing.

What boards are these, Sven? From previous traffic, I inferred you were 
getting Intel Atom boards, but now I'm not sure.

> I installed LinuxCNC on my board and ran latency tests and it was quite
> easy to ramp it up to 14 250 ns. That's worse than my existing
> configuration at the reconfigured PC that's in use now that this thread
> from the beginning was about. I also made the remote X tests as discussed
> earlier in this thread and then the PC maxed out at 9 920 ns.

14 250ns is 14,25us, not 14,25ms. Not the best we've seen but not bad 

> 4 GB high quality RAM
> 60 GB SSD super fast disc
> Hyper threading disabled/enabled tested
> isolcpu=1
> 6-7 ms? No chance.

6ms = 6 000us = 6 000 000ns.


PS - I'm trying to be consistent in numeric notation, e.g., comma 
instead of full stop to indicate decimal point, and space instead of 
comma to separate thousands. Please overlook any mistakes. I was born in 
the left side of the Atlantic Ocean.

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